Musculature and FF120
thedenrei posted in Uncategorized on November 6th, 2006
Chris is changing things around with how stuff gets from my screen to the game. Its all very wonderful. We have a meeting today where I get to hear it described in detail.
I’ve stopped working on Lithium stuff for the time being, and have started up a new character model. I can feel elements I’ve been learning from my drawing classes seeping into the work.
Also, I’ve found that working out at the gym has really helped my understanding of musculature, which is kind of odd to me – but I suppose it shouldn’t be. They have big mirrors on the walls and I pretty much stare at my arms contracting and expanding several hours a week. I was looking through some old torso/shoulder/arm models and found myself solving many of the reoccurring problems within minutes.
The rest of this post is about me playing FF12 and you can probably skip it.
I got Final Fantasy 12 the day it came out, but haven’t had time to play it too much yet. The characters and the look of the world arn’t really to my taste. I much prefer Tetsuya Nomura’s FF7 or FFX style. Last night I put in some solid time, and I’m warming up to it. The battle system is exactly that of an MMO, and I hate MMOs. The persistant world navigation/combat system setup is already something FFX should have done (imho), but I wish they could have wandered even a bit further from classic FF combat. Grandia III’s battle system was really cool, I wish they had taken some ideas from there.
Anyway, this is the first Final Fantasy game that I’ve actually bought even reasonably close to it’s release date, and its the first FF that I haven’t had all the plot points spoiled by friends before even touching the controller. I’m taking this very seriously. I went to my friend’s place to hang out Saturday afternoon. Knowing he had bought the game recently and had probably put in more time than I, I waited outside his door while I called him and demanded he save and turned off the machine so as not to spoil anything for me. The only sure way to do this is to just play the hell out of it as fast as I can. Which is what I suspect I’ll do.
Also, most of the music isn’t done by Nobuo Uematsu, and I feel very aware of this. Once I’ve completed the game and my self-enforced ban on consuming FF12 info outside of actually playing the game is lifted, I want to verify which songs he actually did and see if my suspicions are correct.
And I really wish I could play the game in Japanese. The trailer I saw at E3 had japanese voice actors, and they were splendid. While the english one’s arn’t BAD, every cutscene I end up thinking to myself “that probably worked better in the original”.