After finally coming up with a name we actually like for our first game, we started thinking about logos. Gavin sarcastically suggested making the O into a planet. I’m sure this has been done many times for space related games. For Homeworld for example:
This seemed a little obnoxious. The idea I had was to make the make the rim lit part of the planet opaque, and the dark side of the planet transparent, so you end up with an O instead of a filled in circle. I made a prototype to exemplify my idea. The black is transparent…
I’m not skilled enough to finish this to my liking. There needs to be a bit of rim lighting on the dark side of the planet so that it’s more O like. Hopefully, with Denrei’s help, we can develop this idea into a nice looking logo.
Wow, this photoshop tutorial is amazing!
I suggest to make planet-like the second outworld ‘o’, not the first one.
Actually, I used the wrong name for the example logo. I made this one quickly and accidentally named it Outworld Inc when it should be Outland Inc. Denrei has done some work on the Outland Inc logos, and they look pretty good, especially the planet. Maybe he’ll post them.