At the Stolen Notebook quasi-weekly meeting Tony and I discussed using ODE for collision. He had written the standard bounding volume tests (OBB, Sphere, etc) already so there was an infrastructure in place. Adding ODE would be a simple task of replacing the low level collision code of these Bounding Volume objects with some ODE code. There would be no outward differences. Besides the advantage of using a mature and stable collision library ODE will allow us to easily add physics, which I am very excited about. So, while Tony did this I left for the weekend, and did nothing (well, I finished Lunar Park and started Neuromancer). Now that I’m back, it seems it turned out pretty well. Now, we have to figure out how the collision system is going to notify the game code.
On my side of things I didn’t get much done because I was gone. I’m taking a second pass on the maya exporter, getting it separated and streamlined. It should take another day or two to get it to the point I want it.
When I arrived at work today, a package of Huggies “Cruisers” was laying at the entrance to the neightboring office complex. The package did not have proper key-card clearance to get into the office. When I left, the package remained. I felt a slight sadness, and wondered if I’d see them tomorrow…